5 Collocation
Major Concepts
- Collocation and Co-occurrence
- Frequency and relative frequency
- Probabilistic properties of language
5.1 Quantities in corpora
In some sense Corpus Linguistics is really simple since it is largely focused on one basic indicator: frequency of occurrence. All annotations, such as lemma, pos, text type, etc. are ultimately measured in counts. There are hardly any other types of indicators, such as temperature, color, velocity, or volume. Even word and sentence lengths, are fundamentally also counts (of characters/phonemes, or tokens/words).
This simplicity, however, comes at a cost. Namely the interpretation is rarely straightforward. We’ve talked about how ratios become important if you are working with differently sized samples. I use sample here very broadly. You can think of different corpora as different samples, but even within the same corpus, it depends on what you look at. Let’s assume we were investigating the use of the amplifier adverb utterly. As a first exploration, we might be interested whether there are some obvious differences between British and American usage. For the British corpus, let’s take the BNC (The British National Corpus 2007), and for the American corpus the COCA (Davies 2008).
> cqp
= "utterly" %c
BNC; utterly -S; utterly = "utterly" %c
COCA:utterly; size COCA-S:utterly
size BNC
The American sample returns more matches. Does that mean it is more common? No! The American sample is also about 5 times larger. We need to account for the different sizes by normalizing the counts. The simplest way to achieve that is by calculating a simple ratio, or relative frequency.
- \(\frac{1248}{112156361} = 0.0000111\)
- \(\frac{4401}{542341719} = 0.0000081\)
Now we can see that utterly actually scores higher in the British sample. We can make those small numbers a bit prettier by turning them into occurrences per hundred a.k.a percentages, which gives us 0.00107% and 0.00079%. That’s still not intuitive so let’s move the decimal point all the way into intuitive territory by taking it per million. utterly occurs 11.1 times per million words in the British sample and 8.1 times in the American sample.
Now how about the nouns utterly co-occurs with. To keep it simple, let’s focus on the British data.
count utterly by word on match[
...34 and [#91-#124]
28 . [#20-#47]
27 different [#408-#434]
20 , [#0-#19]
13 at [#142-#154]
13 ridiculous [#929-#941]
11 impossible [#645-#655]
11 without [#1207-#1217]
10 miserable [#772-#781]
10 opposed [#820-#829]
The two most frequently co-occurring adjectives are different and ridiculous. However, different is more than twice as frequent. Does that mean it is more strongly associated? No! The adjective different is itself also much more frequent than ridiculous (~47500 vs 1777).
5.2 Perception of quantities
Relative frequency and other ratios are not only interesting when you need to adjust for different sized samples. Human perception is also based on ratios, not absolute values. In some sense our brains also treat experiences on a sample-wise basis. Of course, you would not normally speak of experience as coming in samples, but remember the ideas of contiguity and similarity. We know that some of the structure in memory, therefore, structure in language, comes from spatially and temporally contiguous experiences, and/or the degree of similarity to earlier experiences. But of course we don’t remember every word and every phrase in the same way. Repetition and exposure to a specific structure play a key role. Now that we have a little experience with assessing what is relatively frequent in linguistic data, we should start thinking about what is frequent in our perception. An observation that has repeatedly been made in experiments is that absolute differences in the frequency of stimuli become exponentially less informative. This is captured by the Weber-Fechner law.
The observation is that the difference between 10 and 20 items is perceived as much larger than the difference between 110 and 120 items, even though they are the same in absolute terms. The higher the frequency of items, e.g. words, the higher the difference to another set has to be in order to be perceivable. This is strongly connected to the exponential properties of Zipf’s Law, which we will talk about in Week 7 and 8.
5.3 Collocation as probabilistic phenomenon
Collocations are co-occurrences that are perceived and memorized as connected. Some collocations are stronger, some weaker, and some are so strong that one or all elements only occur together, making it an idiom or fixed expression.
- spoils of war: idiom
- declare a war: strong collocation
- fight a war: weak collocation
- describe a war: not a collocation
- have a war: unlikely combination
- the a war: ungrammatical
The above examples are ordered according to the probability that they can be observed. We will get into the details of how we can quantify this exactly in the lecture and in future seminar classes. If you are impatient, www.collocations.de has a very detailed guide to how that works. For now, the logic is simply that we consider not only the different frequencies of the individual phrases, as in the examples above, but also the frequencies of the each word in the phrases, the words in the corpus, and all attested combinations of [] a war.
The important takeaway is that a defining property of collocation is gradience. That means that it is a matter of degree. The more frequent, a collocation is, relatively speaking, the more likely it is to be memorized as a unit. It is not a question of either or, or black and white. This idea has since been described for most if not all linguistic phenomena, including grammatical constructions, compound nouns, and even word classes, just to name a few.
5.4 Homework
In order to interact with our Corpus Lab at the institute, you need to do some more setup. Go through the links on the Wiki and try to run a few queries:
5.4.1 Tip of the day
Use spreadsheets! You will inevitably have to at some point enter some numbers into something like LibreCalc, Microsoft Excel, or Google Sheets. We will benefit from spreadsheets throughout this module, but this is not where their utility stops. Being able to do some quick formulae and vlookups in Excel are common skills needed outside Uni.
Especially for teachers, spreadsheets are an essential skill: for grades, averages, homework, quick stats on exams, lesson planning, Sitzplan (oh memories :D), what have you. If you know your way around Excel, you can speed up your tax returns (Steuererklärung) a lot, too. Many teachers end up working as freelancers. For a freelancer (and anyone else really), gathering your receipts, bills and pay slips neatly arranged and categorized as data in a spreadsheet can save you endless amounts of time and even money.
This is not where it stops though. Timetables and To-Do-Lists are also neat to do in a spreadsheet if you need more fine-grained control over the layout than the clunky online calendar you are probably using. Here are some things I have used spreadsheets for in the past: notes, training log, travel plans, shopping lists. You could even use them for recipes or counting calories if that’s what you’re into.
I myself have since moved past Excel/Calc and use only plain text files. If I need to do some maths or stats, I use .csv or .tsv files in combination with statistical software such as R. That might seem to be the ultra-nerd level, but isn’t so difficult to learn at all, and can save you additional time and frustration. Maintaining a CV for example is a breeze if you have everything as plain data and deal with the formatting in an automated fashion, and only when you need to.